Jennifer Salisbury, CP, MLS
Responsible for preparing an agenda and presiding over all Executive Committee meetings and general or special membership meetings.
Tauri Parker
1st Vice President
Responsible for arranging speakers for monthly meetings and organizing the SNAP Annual Seminar.
Kelli Radnothy
2nd Vice President
Responsible for receiving applications for members and approving or rejecting applications with the guidelines of these Bylaws.
Diana Griego
Responsible for maintaining minutes from the Executive Committee meetings and the General Meetings; also assist the President in any way including giving notice of meetings.
Kathi Lutsch, ACP
Responsible for maintaining the General and Scholarship Accounts.
Heather Motta, CP
NALA Liaison
Responsible for maintaining the relationship between NALA and SNAP, and working as a liaison for SNAP members and NALA.
Kaitlin Snyder
Responsible for giving opinions on parliamentary procedures during meetings, including Executive Committee meetings.
Nidsa Tarazon
Newsletter Editor
Responsible for editing and distributing the newsletter which is the forum for communication to the general membership of the activities of the Association and announcements.
Ariane Horne
Public Relations Chairperson
Responsible for overseeing work with the local, state, and American Bar associations, the community, other paralegal associations, and other legal-related associations and preparing newspaper, radio, and television press releases.
Social Chairperson
Responsible for maintaining the evites for General Meetings and social gatherings, as well as planning social events.
Student Liaison
Responsible for maintaining a link between the active SNAP membership and the student membership.